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Reza Sadoddin

Software Engineer at Google, Salesforce

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Reza Sadoddin is currently a software engineer at Google working on several search engine features. He is a back-end engineer for answering list-seeking queries (e.g. best US comedians). Recently, he has launched a new machine-learned model to improve the ranking of entities shown in response to listy queries. He is also a member of the team responsible for answering local-seeking queries (e.g. pizza mountain view).Before joining Google, Reza has been working as a data scientist at FICO where he has developed several text mining features for a product released as FICO text modeler. These features include sentiment analysis and entity extraction from unstructured data using NLP and machine learning algorithms.Reza holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of Alberta, Canada, where his research has been focused on mining statistically significant patterns from long sequence data. During his graduate studies, Reza has been continuously served as teaching assistant for multiple undergrad courses by instructing in labs, mentoring final projects and course assignments.

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