Laura Williams Argilla
Senior Director of Product, Twitch
Laura has a long history of leading teams to deliver award-winning products for individuals, organizations and enterprise customers. She is currently holding the position of Senior Director of Product Management at Twitch. Her career has been built on innovation based on data and engagement working with strong and motivated teams. With this set of skills Laura has become a leader in Product Management, and Software Development, specializing in digital video and social storytelling. At Twitch, she leads a team of talented Product Managers and User Experience designers creating new ways for creators to make a living doing what they love. Her team provides opportunities for viewers to engage with creators to show support and build community. She also delivers unique premium viewing experiences that add depth and context for viewers. As an innovator, she has established a proven history of creating and inspiring successful, customer-focused organizations. She has a deep experience leading geographically diverse teams delivering cohesive cross-product workflows.
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