Stephanie Siow
Product Lead, Uber
Stephanie is a seasoned Product leader, currently driving the company’s efforts at Uber, helping to redefine today’s transportation through technology. Her professional career spanned over a decade during which she contributed to many positions in Product, Sales Operations and Consultancy across start-ups and successful enterprises. After completing various internships in Food & beverages and Solid Waste Management industries, Stephanie began her professional career in Consultancy. Prior to her current role, Stephanie held a position as a Senior Product Manager at Shutterfly Inc, the leading digital retailer, and manufacturer of high-quality personalized products and services. During that time, she was responsible for the photo upload experience and additionally, she successfully led the migration of the ThisLife service into Shutterfly, which transformed into the base for Shutterfly Photos. She has strong expertise in mobile applications and cross-functional team leadership, which she brings to each organization she leads, helping achieve transformative success. She graduated from Stanford University with a Bachelor of Science in Management Science and Engineering. She takes a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses the fields of management and engineering, giving her a perfect blend of skills for her current career path. She is a tech enthusiast and an avid speaker who enjoys sharing her unique path on breaking into Product.
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