Mariano Suarez Battan
CEO & Co-founder, MURAL
Mariano is the Cofounder and CEO of MURAL, scaling up focus on helping modern teams collaborate visually. As a Startup in Residence at IDEO, they realized that Design Thinking was going to permeate into how all Knowledge Workers would collaborate and would make them evolve to Imagination Workers. In addition to making teams work remotely, they power up facilitators and inspire the rest of the change-makers globally. At the beginning of Mariano’s career, he Cofounded Three Melons, a game studio based in Buenos Aires that started creating web games for companies like LEGO, Disney, Warner Bros, Disney, Mattel, Audi, MTV, Discovery Networks, among others, with award-winning games. His passion for creating a transcendent mix of marketing and games made of him a tenacious manager that fought to make Three Melons a leading studio with world-class clients and a great team inside. The company was acquired by Playdom, transitioning his position to Creative Director at the new company. After the Disney acquisition, Mariano helped create new games and integrate the teams in Buenos Aires and Mountain View. Mariano is a great person to work with, very knowledgeable in his area of expertise, and with a lot of great ideas.
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