Kristine Oak
Product Manager, Yelp
Kristine is passionate about user-centered design and making an impact where complex challenges are present. As a Product Manager, she strives to discover unmet user needs and translate those findings into innovative solutions that bring delight to the users. Currently, she is a Product Manager of Consumer Contributions at Yelp. Prior to this, Kristine was a Product Manager of Mobile at Stella & Dot Family of Brands. Before that, she was a Product Manager of Media, Data Production, and Business Operations at Stats Platform. In addition, Kristine was a Product Design and Research Lead Consultant at Georama. She enjoys being at the center of technology, business, and customer because it drives her and she loves the opportunity to work with diverse individuals to tackle challenges together and innovate. Most importantly, Kristine's knowledge and passion for user-centered design keep the user at the center of the heart, making her a great Product Manager. Moreover, Kristine graduated with a B.S in Manufacturing and Design and an M.S in Engineering Design and Innovations from Northwestern University.
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