Alice Chen
VP of Product, Trustly
Alice is a results-oriented and versatile Product Leader with 20+ years of experience creating and delivering global product line strategies. Currently, she is the VP of Product at Trustly. Prior to this, Alice was the Head of Product at Stella & Dot Family of Brands, a social retail platform empowering women entrepreneurs with a flexible, home-based business opportunity driven by compelling products and technology. In addition, she was the Director of Product at ShopRunner, a Product Manager at Facebook, and a Senior Product Manager at PayPal. Alice has an impressive ability to quickly focus any project or discussion by articulating a concise and strategic point of view without losing sight of details. She is results-driven and highly effective in building and leading teams in a complex matrix organization with people who based in different functions, locations, and time zones. Moreover, she holds a B.S in Mathematics with Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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