Artem Kizil
Product Manager, Airbnb
Artem is an enthusiastic, proactive, and very innovative Software Developer. He used his professional skills to implement creative solutions and no problem was left unsolved in the project that Artem was responsible for. Currently, he’s a Product Manager at Airbnb. Prior to his current role, Artem was a Product Manager at Uber. He started out his career as a Software Developer at Ciklum, where he designed and developed desktop tools for diagnosing and programming a range of embedded systems used in healthcare. Artem then went on to become a Software Development Engineer at Amazon. For Supply Chain Optimization, he worked on systems managing the optimal placement of inventory across Amazon's fulfillment network. With Amazon Search, Artem worked on backed infrastructure team supporting search experience on mobile and desktop platforms. Additionally, he worked on the Amazon Shopping App navigation experience on iOS and Android platforms.
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