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Fiona Wijaya

Product Manager, Traveloka

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Fiona Wijaya is a Product Manager at Traveloka for expanding and managing insurance distribution platform. As an early joiner to Traveloka, Fiona helped shape it and was responsible for the successful expansion to travel and non-travel insurance across South East Asia.Prior to Traveloka, Fiona held various roles as Technology Consultant, Credit Analyst, and Transaction Banking Sales. With such a breadth of experience, Fiona is proudly a generalist, adept at understanding and solving any problems quickly.Fiona can code, both front-end and back-end. Her technical expertise allows her to decide MVP quickly and create comprehensive product requirements. One of her favourite subjects in university was Artificial Intelligence in which she tries to generate music with genetic algorithm. My favourite programming language is Python, which I first learnt in 2012. Fiona also enjoy travel photography and wish to visit as many countries as possible. My photos can be seen in my official website: is very passionate about teaching and sharing her experience. With her unique background, she hopes she can bring fresh perspective to young generations of product managers.

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