Gary Brandeleer
Senior Director of Product, Salesforce
Gary is a Senior Product Director currently working at Salesforce. Prior to this, Gary worked as a Field Business Operations Analyst at Johnsons Controls, a mechanical and industrial engineering company. After a few years at the same company, he became a Program Manager. He managed the design and implementation of a European Field Service initiative to modernize the service business through a cloud solution. At Salesforce, he started as Lead Solution Engineer for Service Cloud and became the Senior Product Director. Today, Gary leads the Field Service Lightning, one of the fastest-growing products at Salesforce; he believes that field services businesses need to be digitally connected to deliver the experiences all customers expect to increase loyalty, trust, and service efficiency. He is modernizing the sector to give the same capabilities the office-based peer has to the field, help them work more efficiently, increase the rate of first-visit resolutions, and improve the overall customer experience.
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