Irene Gonzalvez
Product Lead, Spotify
Irene is a Product Lead at Spotify in Stockholm where she is responsible for all the data infrastructure which helps to improve the user experience of millions of users via more data-informed recommendations. She has a proven track record with over seven years of experience in Product Management with the additional 5 years in technical roles. Irene holds an Electrical Engineering Masters degree from the Technical University of Madrid, Spain, as well as a Masters of Science in Wireless Systems from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. She has worked for 10+ years in several technology companies, from well-established enterprises to fast-growing firms, where she has held various positions combining her highly technical expertise with group leadership. Living in Spain, Sweden, and Thailand has given her the opportunity to get a wider overview of new cultures as well as a deeper knowledge in different ways of working.Besides her professional achievements, Irene has held several positions on the board of the Professional Women’s Network in Stockholm, supporting gender-balanced leadership and helping other women to succeed in their careers through coaching and mentoring.
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