Product School
Irving Coronado

Irving Coronado

Assistant Product Manager, Spotify

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Irving is a Product Manager with experience building compelling product experiences in the streaming space. Currently, he’s an Assistant Product Manager at Spotify, helping drive the technical roadmap and development of Spotify and supporting various business initiatives such as yield optimization, campaign performance, and revenue forecasting. The result will be the facilitation of more informed and strategic decisions for various stakeholders throughout the Spotify organization. Prior to Irving’s role at Spotify, he was an Associate Product Manager at iHeartRadio, there he blended product know-how with technical understanding and used a creative eye for building engaging user experiences, and partnering with teams across multiple disciplines, including engineering, analytics, data science, and design, to continually push your product forward in an iterative manner. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering from the University of North Carolina, Irving decided to break into Product Management. He began his career in Product Management after studying at General Assembly, then soon after working at Capture Media. Some of Irving’s projects include Biomass Gasification Economic Evaluation Tool, an excel tool that evaluated the economics of a Biomass Gasification Plant and developed an operating cost and ROI tool for LignoBoost product line. The tool was capable of assessing capital investment and both fixed & variable operating costs (material and utility costs) for a range of LignoBoost plant capacities. 

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