Justin Malloy
Product Leader, Yellowfin
Justin is a Product Leader who understands the importance of using data to help his clients' needs. Justin enjoys speaking with people, finding out how their businesses operate and helping them make the best decisions using BI tools. He is currently working on products and solutions at Yellowfin. He offers his technical product knowledge to assist the sales team while guiding prospects and customers along the business intelligence journey. He also gives product demonstrations, manages proof of concepts, and builds custom reports and dashboards to integrate third-party solutions. He works to save the company time and money by working with different vendors to understand the benefits of purchasing an analytics suite of products instead of putting more strain on their engineering teams. Before this, he was a Guide and Logistics expert for Gemini Adventures. He worked hard to make sure his customers had everything taken care of so they would have the best experience possible. Justin has also worked as a Pricing and Inventory Analysts for The Gear Co-Op. specializing in eCommerce. He earned his Bachelor's in Finance and Management from Colorado Mesa University.
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