Makram Mansour
Product Leader, Linkedin
Makram is a Product Leader passionate about building products that can have a profound impact on the world. His motto is "where there's a will, there's a way"! Currently, he is working at Linkedin, creating economic opportunities for every member of the global workforce. Prior to this, he was a Founding Board Member at Askae Holdings and developed the Math4Office, math and scientific expressions AI recognition and correction technology. As a Senior Product Manager at Texas Instruments, he worked with the Online Design Tools Teams. He added AI to TI.com, optimizing it to help visitors, led the transition of Adobe Flash tools into more simplified and intuitive, and developed a strong understanding of user engagement workflow through big data analytics. As a Software Engineer Manager at National Semi-Conductor, he enabled analog product lines to design and model at the system-level. Makram holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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