Mario Ciabarra
Founder & CEO, Quantum Metric
Mario is a computer scientist and tech entrepreneur passionate about pairing world-class teams with large-scale technology challenges. Currently, he is the CEO and Founder of Quantum Metric, a platform for continuous product design that helps organizations deliver digital products with significant impact. After a few roles as Web Tech Team Leader and as a Performance and Technology Consultant, Mario founded his first company DevStream an Application Performance Monitoring space (APM) which Compuware acquired in 2004. Consequently, he became a Transition Team Partner for Compuware and worked on a strategic road map & developed product features with a team of 20 developers. After that, Mario founded Rock Your Phone, an alternative iOS App Store, which had over 1M+ monthly active users and purchasing customers in 185+ countries/territories, obtained a DMCA exemption for altering the iPhone to allow 3rd party apps. The company was acquired later by SaurikIT. Mario also founded Itelliborn, a development software company for the alternative iPhone app market, which resulted in over 20 million iPhone/iPads have used Intelliborn apps with sales in 130+ countries.
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