Mehdi Ghissassi
Product Lead, Google
Mehdi Ghissassi is a Product Manager with experience in technology and analytics. Currently, he’s a Product Lead at Google DeepMind, engaging closely with the Engineering team to help determine the best technical implementation methods as well as a reasonable implementation schedule, understanding customer needs and gathering product requirements, and identifying market opportunities and defining product vision and strategy. Mehdi also launches and develops new products on a regular basis, designing and driving the overall vision and product strategy to a coherent whole, and managing internal partnerships and external partners to optimize growth. Additionally, he leverages her technical expertise to identify setbacks and roadblocks within a project and generate solutions for resolving them quickly, building and managing a product team to recruit the best-suited engineers, and evaluating feedback from support teams to identify product errors and gaps. Prior to his current role, Mehdi worked in Emerging Market Business Operations, where he led product strategy and business operations for Emerging Markets, including Project Link (Google’s wholesale telecom business in Africa). Mehdi began his career as an Analyst at Macquarie Group, evaluating public and private investments in infrastructure, energy, and communications assets.
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