Narayan Mandaleeka
Group Product Manager, Uber
Narayan Mandaleeka is a Group Product Manager at Uber, currently leading their infrastructure platforms. Before this, he was a Senior Product Line Manager at VMware, specifically working on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition for enterprises. He first started working as a PM at HP in 2011, after over seven years with the company as a Systems Architect and RnD Manager.
Narayan earned his Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the University of Mysore. He also holds an MS in Engineering Management from San Jose State University. On top of that, he studied Product Strategy through Northwestern University's Kellogg Executive Education program.
Within the many teams and products Narayan has worked on, he has played a key role in taking both to the next level with his strong leadership and a special talent for predicting market trends. He naturally motivates those around him by creating a positive work environment that brings people together to create greatness.
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