Product School
Nikhyl Singhal


Nikhyl Singhal

Former VP of Product at Meta

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Nikhyl Singhal has over the past 20+ years of experience in product and built a career in technology, thinking big, yet acting small. He was the VP of Product at Meta, where he led the feed and stories in the main app and supporting the Product Management teams for the news feed on the Facebook application. Prior to this role, Nikhil lead Product Management and Design at Credit Karma, helped scale the communications and operations for the company as it quadrupled its headcount, and sponsored three acquisitions.

Nikhyl first gained experience in Product Management working at Google,  as Product Leader for all real-time communication products. This included launching and growing Hangouts, Google's video, voice, and text messaging solution pre-installed in Android and Gmail. Additionally, Nikhyl product managed Photos, including the apps in Google+, Android, and Google Drive as well as Picasa and helped launch and market Hangouts on Air, the live video broadcasting service inside YouTube. He has experience recruiting Product Managers, working closely with the engineering and business teams to shape product roadmaps, externally and internally communicating product releases, and understanding users’ needs and metrics. 

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