Preety Bhardwaj
Senior Product Manager, American Express
Preety Bhardwaj is an American Express Senior Product Manager working on their digital banking and non-card customer strategy. She works closely with her engineering and design teams to create solutions that lead to powerful new products and overall growth. She was promoted to her current role after working as a PM for their Membership Web Banking and Membership Engagement services. Pretty has also worked as a PM at Condé Nast, Prognos, and as a PM in Residence at Product School.
Pretty has been praised by her colleagues for her ability to jump into complex projects and get up to speed quickly and with minimum assistance. This makes her a great person to bring in to solve tough problems. She is also a strong customer advocate as well as a friendly and effective communicator. She knows how to create a clear vision for her products and utilizes data to back it up.
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