Satish Mathew
Principal Product Manager, Zillow
Satish is a seasoned product vet who specializes in customer experiences, data, and insights, both ML and AI. He is currently a Principal Product Manager at Zillow where he is building data products that drive AI and machine learning in a variety of products including Zestimates, Zillow Offers, ads, personalization, and agent analytics. Before this role, he spent more than 16 years at Microsoft, first as a Software Design Engineer in Test and finishing his time there as a Senior Product Manager. In his most recent role with Microsoft, he was in charge of building top-notch customer self-service and assisted support experiences for the Azure products and services. He also won first prize at a Microsoft Hackathon sponsored contest for his Azure support solution. He holds two Data Visualization Certificates from the University of Washington and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In addition, he earned his Master's from the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management at the elite Ivy League University, Cornell.
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