Sebastián Jaramillo
Senior Product Manager, Twilio
Sebastián is a Product Strategist and pixel-addict in a pursue of solving meaningful problems through design and technology. He specializes in digital product strategy and management, he handcrafts data-driven solutions with solid strategies, user-centered designs, and powerful technologies. With over 13 years of experience, Sebastian also has ample knowledge in Digital Strategy, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI) Design, and Front-End Development. Currently, he is a Senior Product Manager at Twilio. Prior to this, Sebastian was a Product Strategy Consultant, he helped companies bring product ideas to life through data-driven, design-oriented strategies. Before that, Sebastian was the Head of Product at FLUVIP where he was responsible for defining product strategy and vision by analyzing product data and business metrics and in charge of understanding all product stakeholders' needs and delivering innovative digital product solutions. In addition, he held many other positions in Product across various companies. Sebastian is in love with this craft and wants to work on products that truly inspire him.
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