Shreya Sharma
Senior Product Manager, Expedia
Shreya is currently a Senior Product Manager for the Expedia Group. Her team is focused on Meta API and customer experience. Her goal is to create an easy-to-use, flawless experience for her customers. Before stepping into this role she worked as a Technical Product Manager for the company. She was a part of their tracing initiative that worked together with the core Haystack team to create a centralized diagnostic system. She started her career with Expedia with a Software Developer Internship that turned into a full-time Engineer role. She also has experience as a Software Engineer at the University of Southern California and MakeMyTrip.com. She earned a Master of Computer Science from the National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra and from the University of Southern California. Shreya is someone who can remain level-headed and focused even under moments of great stress, making her a great asset to any team she is a part of.
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