Tatyana Mamut
Fmr CPO, Nextdoor
Tatyana is a result-oriented executive that has delivered outstanding products by her ability in creating effective teams and focusing on consumers. She has experience in customer-driven innovation, design thinking, and building global brands, within others. Tatyana is currently a Board Member at Usertesting and Advisor Braintrust, and previously a CPO at Nextdoor. With many years working in the Product Industry, she has experienced as Director of Product Management/ General Manager at Amazon Web Services where she co-led the creation of AWS Honeycode and led multiple Product Management teams. Additionally, Tatyana worked as Senior Director of Product Design/ UX followed by Vice President of Product Experience, both at Salesforce. Tatyana received her Bachelor's degree in Economics from Amherst College and her Ph.D. in Economics and Cultural Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley.
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