Varun Ramamurthy Dinakar
Founder & CEO, Hansel.io
Varun is an insightful and strategic Product Management Professional with a focus on building and managing online consumer products. He is deeply passionate about building customer-centric solutions with a clear motto “Ideate, Execute and Iterate.”During his lucrative career that spanned over a decade, he supported ventures in sectors ranging from Financial Services, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing to Computer Games, including companies such as HSBC and Zynga. He began his professional career at ABB, where he was responsible for Engineering/Marketing. He takes a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses the fields of Engineering and Analytics, bringing insights from both data and intuitive thinking to his work. With a desire for excellence and high levels of ownership, Varun’s entrepreneurial spirit eventually led him to found his own venture Hansel.io, helping Product Managers reduce User Drop-Offs by creating alternate product flows through a no-code interface. Varun graduated from the Indian Institute of Management and holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University. On top of his impressive academic endeavors, his professional efforts have also been recognized as he is a recipient of various company awards for creating impact across the organization. An avid speaker and a tech-enthusiast, Varun enjoys inspiring others on how to bring behavioral science to product management.
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