Will Najar
Senior Product Manager, Amazon
Will Najar is a successful Product leader with a deep passion for creating experiences that customers love. Today, he brings more than 15 years of experience to his position as a Senior Product Manager at Amazon, where he defines and executes the strategy to increase trust in the customer contributions system. Upon graduation from Cornell University and earning his Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences, he began his professional career in tech with Microsoft. After serving for almost two years as a Technical Account Manager, Will took up a role as a Program Manager for Microsoft’s Hololens, a virtual reality (VR) headset with transparent lenses for an augmented reality experience. Under his leadership, a cross-functional and experienced team was responsible for building the HoloLens product and corresponding Windows ecosystem. His specific areas of expertise include product strategy, data science, user-generated content, machine learning, eCommerce, AR/VR, marketplaces, A/B testing, SQL, large web services, consumer hardware, and cloud services, to name a few. Today, at Amazon his responsibilities include being accountable for prominent detail page features like Customer Reviews, Questions and Answers, Star Rating, Helpful Votes and others. Specialized in customer's voice, Will is a sought-after and empathetic speaker with a never-ending desire to perfect the customer experience.
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