Product School

Why choose Product School?

Learn why people and businesses choose Product School as their learning partner.

Choose Product School

Discover the key advantages of Product School's approach

Silicon Valley instructors

Our instructors are active Product Leaders working at companies such as Google, Slack, Netflix, and more. They ensure your learning experience is cutting-edge, relevant, and unparalleled. Our courses are curated by the best of the best.

White label content ≠ quality

Unlike universities that rely on generic, outsourced content (often of subpar quality), our Sillicon Valley instructors meticulously curate and constantly update our courses in-house. We understand the real skills the market demands, setting you up for success.

Product Management excellence

Our certifications are laser-focused on product skills critical to digital transformation. While others may be spread thin, offering courses across many fields, our dedication to product sets us apart, bringing you depth and breadth of product experience and specialization you won’t find anywhere else.

Small class size

Product School’s intimate cohorts are 20 students on average. Small sizes mean big opportunities: our instructors provide personalized attention, fostering focused discussions and collaborative environments. With us, you're not just a number; you're a valued participant in a vibrant, interactive learning experience.

Industry gold standard certifications

Product School sets the industry benchmark with certifications crafted on frameworks embraced by elite Product Leaders at top companies. Our gold standard represents not just knowledge but excellence at the job, and that is why we are recognized globally.

Global network, endless opportunities

We are the biggest Product community in the world. Our extensive network opens doors to our alumni worldwide, fostering connections and job opportunities. Beyond graduation, our career support ensures you're guided every step of the way to achieve your goals.

We’ve trained more than 15,000 alumni who are shaping the future of Product Management

Course Report

4.8 / 5

4.8 stars rating

4.5 / 5

4.5 stars rating

4.8 / 5

4.8 stars rating

4.9 / 5

4.9 stars rating

Elevate your business with our team training

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Custom team training

Unlike competitors recycling generic content, we will craft a personalized program for you. We tailor our content to meet your specific needs, ensuring your workforce is equipped with the skills that align with your business goals and industry trends.

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Elevate with personalized coaching

We understand the importance of translating skills into actionable strategies tailored to your unique context. Our experienced instructors offer coaching and workshops, ensuring seamless integration of learned skills into your specific use cases.

Feature Graphic - Silicon Valley Expertise

Silicon Valley expertise

While competitors cling to the same outdated methods, we infuse your learning experience with the latest strategies and frameworks from Silicon Valley. Our trainings are curated and led by the Product Leaders that build products and teams at the top tech companies.

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Product School is my go-to place for finding product talent and upskilling my product team. Their trainings are engaging, supplemented by modern frameworks, tools, and has the strongest community in product.

Ajay Arora
Product Leader ex-Netflix, Amazon
Ajay Arora Testimonial Headshot
Frequently Asked Questions

We are the global leader in Product Management training with a community of over two million product professionals.

Our instructors are real-world Product Leaders working at top Silicon Valley companies, including Google, Meta, Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, and Amazon.

We offer four certifications:

Designed to fit into your work schedule, our certifications are taught live online and have an intimate number of students per cohort. This ensures that you receive more interactive and personalized attention, 15 or 30 hours of coaching from our instructors, and tailored feedback to meet your specific needs.

We have flexible options to get you on your way to your Product Management goals:

✓ Employer sponsorship. Convince your manager by using this template
✓ Interest free installment plans

✓ Enroll three people or more and get a group discount. Learn more

Schedule a call with our admissions team to explore which certification program and payment option aligns best with your career aspirations.

Absolutely! We offer custom training for companies that want to onboard new talent, upskill and align existing teams, and stay ahead of the competition. We can create a unique experience that meets your company's needs and schedule, whether it's in-person or online. Learn more here.

Enjoy our curated collection of free resources, including webinars, templates, books, ProductCon conferences, and The Product Podcast.

Unlock your Product career and get certified today