Purvi Shah
VP Data Platform, American Express
Purvi Shah leads Enterprise Data Platforms team within EDDS, composed of over 150 colleagues, and is responsible for Amex’s enterprise data lakes which includes Information Delivery Network (IDN), Cornerstone, and Lumi (Next Gen Big Data on Public Cloud). In addition, she also spearheads enterprise data services which includes a suite of products to stream real-time data, manage data quality, and enterprise business intelligence tools.
Purvi has been with Amex for 12 years and has held multiple product roles across Technologies, Merchant, and Small Business. Prior to Amex, she consulted for various Public Sector clients and helped them implement various large-scale public welfare programs. Purvi holds an MBA degree from the University of Texas at Austin and an undergraduate from Pennsylvania State University. In her free time, Purvi enjoys playing with her 7.5-year-old twins and cooking. She also loves venturing across the globe and has traveled to over 20 countries.
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