Product School

Go-To-Market Steps For Your Next Product Launch

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Carlos González De Villaumbrosia

February 02, 2024 - 6 min read

Updated: June 13, 2024 - 6 min read

Go-To-Market Steps For Your Next Product Launch

You’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears into developing a remarkable new product, and it’s finally ready to see the light of day. Before the official launch, developing a well-thought-out Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy can be the difference between your new product becoming a successful launch or a costly failure. Let’s walk through the key Go-To-Market steps for your next product launch to ensure it is a resounding success. 

What Is a Go-To-Market Strategy?

A Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how a product will be introduced to the market, delivered to customers, and ultimately, achieve success. It encompasses all aspects of launching a product, from identifying the target audience to selecting distribution channels and crafting compelling messaging.

Why Do You Need a Go-To-Market Strategy?

Before we dive into the steps of creating a GTM strategy, it's crucial to understand its purpose. 

Maximizing Market Potential

A well-executed GTM strategy ensures that your product reaches its maximum potential audience. It helps you identify your ideal customer and tailor your approach accordingly.

Competitive Edge

It’s a crowded marketplace out there, so having a strategic GTM plan gives you the necessary competitive advantage. It allows you to differentiate your product and highlight its unique value.

Efficiency and Alignment

A GTM strategy ensures that all teams – from Product Management to Sales and Marketing – are aligned with a shared vision and objectives, promoting efficiency and cohesion.

4 Types of Go-To-Market Strategies

Companies employ various types of GTM strategies, often combining marketing and sales approaches to achieve the best results. Here are four common types to consider:

1. Account-based Marketing (ABM):

  • Target: B2B Sales

  • Approach: Identify and target specific companies for sales.

  • Methods: Utilize various sales tools like content marketing, email marketing, and more.

2. Demand Generation:

  • Target: Raising product/service awareness and generating demand.

  • Approach: Building awareness among potential customers.

  • Methods: TV or radio ads, email marketing, cold calling, online or in-person events, and more.

3. Inbound:

  • Target: Personalizing the sales process to individual buyer needs.

  • Approach: Attract potential customers who've shown interest in your product.

  • Methods: Social media, SEO, content marketing, and other inbound strategies.

4. Sales Enablement:

  • Target: Equipping sales teams with tools for lead identification and closing.

  • Approach: Provide resources to support the sales cycle.

1. Preparing for the Product Launch

Now that we understand the importance of a GTM strategy and the different types, let's dive into the preparatory Go-To-Market steps for your next product launch.

Define Your Objectives

Start by setting clear and measurable objectives for your product launch. What are you trying to achieve with this launch? Examples include revenue targets, user acquisition goals, or market share growth.

Identify Your Target Audience

Understanding your audience is fundamental. Create detailed buyer personas that include demographics, pain points, and preferences. This will help you tailor your messaging and marketing efforts effectively.

Competitive Analysis

Conduct a thorough analysis of your competitors. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. This information will guide your strategy in differentiating your product.

Product Positioning

Determine where your product fits in the market and how it compares to existing solutions. Develop unique selling points that clearly communicate why your product is the best choice.

Pricing Strategy

Decide on the pricing model for your product. Consider factors like production costs, market demand, and competitor pricing. Your pricing should align with your product's value and target audience's willingness to pay.

Build Cross-Functional Teams

Assemble a cross-functional team comprising members from Product Management, Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support. Effective collaboration is key to a successful launch.


2. Crafting Your Go-To-Market Plan

With the foundation laid, it's time to create a comprehensive GTM plan.

Messaging and Positioning

Craft compelling and consistent messaging that resonates with your target audience. Highlight the unique benefits and value your product offers. Ensure that everyone in your organization understands and can communicate this messaging.

Channel Strategy

Determine the channels you'll use for your product launch promotion to reach your audience. This could include digital marketing, social media, email marketing, content marketing, PR, and more. Select the channels that align with your target audience's behavior.

Sales Enablement

Provide your sales team with the tools and resources they need to effectively sell your product. This includes training, sales collateral, and objection-handling guides.

Marketing Collateral

Develop marketing materials such as brochures, videos, website content, and advertisements. Ensure they align with your messaging and are visually appealing.

Launch Timeline

Create a detailed launch timeline with milestones and deadlines. Ensure that every team knows their role and responsibilities at each stage of the launch.

Budget Allocation

Allocate your budget wisely across marketing, sales, and other launch-related activities. Keep a contingency fund for unexpected expenses.

4. Execution and Launch

With your GTM plan in place, it's time to execute and launch your product.

Internal Training

Ensure that your internal teams are well-trained on the product, its features, and its value proposition. Everyone should be well-prepared to answer customer questions.

Soft Launch or Beta Testing

Consider a soft launch or beta testing phase to gather feedback and make any necessary improvements before the full-scale launch.

Marketing Campaigns

Execute your marketing campaigns across selected channels. Monitor their performance and adjust strategies as needed based on real-time data.

Sales Kickoff

Hold a sales kickoff event or meeting to align the sales team with the launch strategy. Provide them with the necessary resources and support.

Customer Support Readiness

Ensure that your customer support team is prepared to handle inquiries and issues that may arise post-launch. Swift and helpful customer support can significantly impact customer satisfaction.

5. Post-Launch Evaluation

The work doesn't end with the launch. Continuous evaluation is key to ongoing success.

Monitor Key Metrics

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as revenue, user adoption, customer feedback, and market share. Analyze the data to assess the effectiveness of your launch strategy.

Gather Customer Feedback

Collect feedback from customers to identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to iterate on your product and enhance the customer experience.

Sales and Marketing Feedback

Engage with your sales and marketing teams to gather insights from their interactions with customers. This feedback can inform future marketing campaigns and product enhancements.

Adjust and Iterate

Based on the data and feedback gathered, be prepared to make adjustments to your strategy. Continuous improvement is essential for long-term success.

Get Ready For Launch! 

Launching a product successfully requires careful planning and execution, but with a well-thought-out Go-To-Market strategy as the backbone, you can ensure a  successful product launch. By defining your objectives, understanding your audience, and crafting a comprehensive plan, you can maximize your product's potential in the market.

Remember, the product launch is not the end but the beginning of a journey. Continuous evaluation, customer feedback, and adaptation are key to sustaining and growing your product's success in the long run. Best of luck on your next product launch! 

Ready to Master The Art of Product Launches?

Get an in-depth understanding of the critical elements that make a launch successful with our free Product Launches Micro-Certification (PRLC)™! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, this is your chance to dive deep into iconic launches, understand foundational elements, and craft exceptional go-to-market plans.

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Updated: June 13, 2024

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