Product School
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Carlos González De Villaumbrosia

Founder & CEO at Product School

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Carlos González de Villaumbrosia has over 10 years of experience building teams and digital products in the US, Europe, and Latin America. Carlos founded Product School in San Francisco in 2014. Today, the company is the global leader in Product training with a community of over two million product professionals. All of the instructors are Product Leaders working at top Silicon Valley companies including Google, Meta, Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, and Amazon. Designed to fit into the work schedule of busy professionals, all certifications are taught live online in small cohorts. Our methodology incorporates the hands-on activities, real-world case studies, tools, and frameworks needed to build digital products from end to end and lead cross-functional teams. Students receive personalized instructor feedback and career coaching to get a product management job or promotion. In addition to the public certifications, Product School offers custom training for companies seeking to boost revenue by upskilling their teams and retaining top performers.

Carlos is committed to pushing the product community forward. With this aim in mind, he published the Amazon bestseller, The Product Book. He also hosts Proddys - the annual awards honoring the best software products -, produces ProductCon - a multi-city conference attended by tens of thousands of product managers every year - and helps organize over 1,000 free events virtually every year.

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