Product School

What is Design Concept in Product Management?

Design-concept serves as the foundational vision for a product, capturing its essence, functionality, and user experience. It's a blueprint that guides teams from ideation to creation, ensuring products resonate with users and fulfill their needs. 

Understanding Design-Concept for Product Managers

What is Design-Concept?

At its core, a design concept encapsulates the foundational vision for a product. It isn't just about how a product looks, but about its essence, functionality, and the experience it promises its users. Think of it as the North Star guiding all your product-related decisions.

Why is Design-Concept Important?

You might wonder, why all the fuss about design-concept? Well, it's the bridge between an idea and its tangible manifestation. A robust design-concept ensures that every feature, interface element, and user interaction aligns with the product's overarching goals. By giving your team a clear direction, it minimizes missteps and paves the way for creating products that truly resonate with users.

How to Create a Design-Concept

Embarking on the journey to craft a design-concept? Start by understanding your user's needs, desires, and pain points. Collaborate with stakeholders, gather insights, and brainstorm solutions. 

Sketch out potential interfaces and visualize user journeys. Iteratively refine your concept, seeking feedback along the way. Remember, your design-concept should be a living, breathing entity, evolving with newfound knowledge and insights.

When to Use Design-Concept in Product Management

So, when's the perfect time to introduce design-concept into your product management process? Ideally, right from the ideation phase! As soon as you have a product idea, molding it through design-concept will help align your vision. This ensures that from development to launch, every step you take is in harmony with your product's core essence. It's not just a one-time task but a compass guiding you throughout the product lifecycle.

Let's delve into a practical example: 

Launching a Wellness App for Millennial Urban Dwellers


Imagine you're a product manager at a tech startup. Your research indicates that urban millennials are increasingly seeking ways to manage their mental health amidst their busy lives. 

You identify a gap in the market for a wellness app specifically tailored to their unique lifestyle challenges, such as long work hours, digital overload, and city-related stresses.

When to Use a Design-Concept:

Before any development begins, and even before deciding on specific features, you need a design-concept.

Crafting the Design-Concept:

  1. Understanding the User: Through surveys, interviews, and observations, you find that this demographic values simplicity, quick interventions (like 5-minute meditation breaks), and connectivity.

  2. Defining the Vision: The app will be a pocket companion, offering fast, effective, and personalized wellness solutions for urban millennials.

  3. Visualizing the Experience: Instead of a cluttered interface, the design emphasizes soothing colors, intuitive navigation, and micro-interactions that give positive feedback. The user journey will start with a brief onboarding quiz to personalize content, followed by a dashboard offering daily challenges, meditation routines, and social connectivity to find nearby wellness events or connect with peers.

  4. Core Features: Features might include AI-driven mood check-ins, AR-based calming exercises using city landmarks, and curated quick breaks based on the user's real-time stress levels.

With the design-concept in place, the development team has a clear picture not only of what features the app will have but also of the broader experience it aims to provide to its users. As the app moves through its lifecycle, this design-concept ensures all enhancements and iterations align with the original vision and address the user's core needs

Design-Concept in Action 

The design-concept served as the foundational blueprint, guiding the team's decisions throughout the product development process.

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